RPES Staff Person the Year Award 2023 – 2024
Mrs. Porter
2023-2024 Staff Person of the Year
CONGRATULATIONS to the rpes 2023-2024 staff member of the year
Mrs. porter
2nd Grade Teacher
The 2023-2024 Staff Person of the Year is Sarah Porter, part of the second grade team. Mrs. Porter was cited for, “Always being friendly and engaging with every staff member. She goes out of her way to get to know you and ask you how you are doing daily. As a coworker of hers, she always reaches out to see if her colleagues need help without hesitation. With students, she provides a safe and welcoming environment getting to know each of them in her teaching day to day but also in her conversations with them. She always goes above and beyond. She pours her heart and soul into her teaching, and it shows." Congratulations to Mrs. Porter!
As a coworker, she is the first to lend a helping hand to a staff member who needs it. If there is a progressive strategy that is new and it looks and sounds good, she tries it out and reports to others how it worked. Mrs. Deutsch is loved and respected by students, parents, and fellow teachers. She has been a gift to RPES.
Award Overview
The RPES Staff Person of the Year honors an exceptionally dedicated and skilled RPES educator or staff member who goes above and beyond the call of duty, is supportive of the learning environment, and develops relationships with students, educators, and staff.
Award Details
Nominations for the RPES Staff Person of the Year are now being accepted. The deadline for submission is 11:59 PM, March 22, 2024.
Nomination Process
Requirements - Nominations may be submitted by an RPES student; a staff member, a parent/guardian, or an RPES community member. To be nominated, a minimum of one years’ experience at RPES is also required.
Winner Selection and Announcement
A panel that includes Amy Haddad, PTA President, Chiara Jaffe, MCPS Staff Person of the Year Nomination Chair, an RPES student, and a parent or member of the larger RPES community will review all applications together. The award recipient will then be announced at the Ice Cream Social in early June where they will receive a plaque and will also be assigned their own parking space for the 2024-2025 school year.