Why Become a Member of the PTA?
just by joining the PTA, you are making a difference
When you join, your membership dues help pay for:
Enrichment Events like the Science Fair and Culture Night
Fun Activities like the the Variety Show and Back-to-school Picnic
After-school Programs that help kids grow their interests
Scholarships for field trips and programs
Supplies for classrooms and staff
and much more
there's a lot to get out of a PTA membership
Volunteer You'll find many different ways to support the school and be involved in your child's school life
Stay up-to-date The PTA keeps you informed throughout the year about what’s happening school-wide
Speak out We provide a forum where you can ask questions and share your ideas
Connect The PTA is a great way to connect with other Ritchie Park families
Make friends Meet new friends working on a project or sharing an evening of fun with your kids
Additional, tangible benefits of PTA Membership include:
Online parenting resources (visit www.pta.org)
Exclusive National PTA sponsor offers (visit www.pta.org)
Member-to-Member Network connects you to Congress when help is needed on issues important to children, schools, and families
Additional support through Maryland PTA (visit www.mdpta.org)
Participation in county-wide issues through the Montgomery County Council of PTAs
Membership Dues for 2024-2025
Supporting Family Membership: $65
individual PTA mEMBERSHIP: $25
teacher or staff membership $10
Please note: If you wish to join the PTA but can't afford the dues right now, use the "join by cash or check" button and select the"no payment" option on the form.
join now with a Credit Card
This is our preferred method so we can go paperless.
Need to pay by cash or check?
Fill out the membership form and then follow the instructions for payment.