This years book fair is going virtual! View the virtual bookfair flyer to decide on what you’ll be buying this year. Visit our online store starting November 21st to purchase your books!
During week 2 of the bookfair, we’ll be hosting Storytelling time with some of our favorite people! More details to come on storytelling, stay tuned!
Every two days during the book fair, we will post a new reading challenge on our PTA Facebook page. Take a picture of your child completing the reading challenge and post to our PTA Facebook page. In your post, please list the names of any Ritchie Park students so we can enter their names in a raffle. We will draw 1-2 names per challenge to win a journal and deliver the journal to any winners. Look out for our posts!
#1 (Nov. 21-22): Read under the covers or in bed
#2 (Nov. 23-24): Read a favorite book that you want to reread
#3 (Nov. 25-26): Read a book about a holiday
#4 (Nov. 27-28): Read a book to someone (virtually counts!)
#5 (Nov. 29-30): Read a book in a costume
#6 (Dec. 1-2): Read to a stuffed animal
#7 (Dec. 3-4): Read a book that makes you laugh
Buy a book, donate a book!
When you purchase a book for your family, please consider buying another book to donate to a Ritchie Park family in need! With the school building closed, please drop off or ship books to Ambereen Khan-Baker at 1725 Sunrise Drive, Potomac, MD 20854. From December 1-14, there will be a bin on her porch for you to drop off any books. Please DO NOT drop off books to the school, due to safety reasons! If you have any questions, please email her at Ms. Sanchez will coordinate distributing these books to Ritchie Park families. Our goal is to donate at least 50 books.