Welcome to the Ritchie Park PTA!

About the Ritchie Park Elementary PTA

The Ritchie Park Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a volunteer-run non-profit organization that is here to support the Ritchie Park Elementary students, staff, and community. The RPES PTA brings together parents, teachers, staff and students to enhance our children's experience at Ritchie Park in a variety of ways.  We work to make sure every student at Ritchie Park has the best possible experience.
Here are just some of the ways we support RPES:

    • Enrichment Events like the Arts & Science Fair, school assemblies, Cultural Heritage Night, Book Fair, and more

    • Fun Activities like the Welcome Back Picnic & Skate Night

    • After-school Programs that help kids grow their interests

    • Scholarships for field trips and programs

    • Supplies for classrooms and staff

    • Teacher and Staff Appreciation


Teacher Amazon Wishlists

While the PTA provides each teacher with a $100 reimbursement for classroom supplies, their Amazon wishlists include additional items that can further enhance your child's learning experience. Contributing to these wishlists is a wonderful way to support our teachers and can make thoughtful gifts for holidays or Teacher Appreciation Week. Every little bit helps create a richer classroom environment!

Upcoming PTA Events

Joining and Supporting the PTA

Join the PTA
Simply joining the PTA helps to fulfill our mission of supporting the RPES students, staff, and community. Membership dues, along with additional fundraising during the year, provide the funding for all the activities and programs we offer. Membership is yearly and must be renewed at the start of each school year. Click here to join or renew now!

What are the volunteer expectations or requirements for joining the PTA? 
There are NO volunteer requirements for joining the PTA. Volunteering and helping when you can is optional, but we do appreciate everyone who is able to help out. Current and upcoming volunteer opportunities will be shared in each monthly newsletter (sign-up below to make sure you’re on our email list), posted on the PTA website Volunteer page, and posted on Facebook. (Don't forget to join our Facebook page.)

Volunteer a little or a lot - it's up to you, but we appreciate whatever you can do!

PTA 2024-2025 Membership Rates

PTA Memberships must be renewed each school in order to remain an active and voting member of the PTA. Learn more HERE about what we do and see the programs your dues and donations go to support.

Supporting Family membership: $65

For those who have the ability to contribute more, we suggest the Supporting Family membership. This membership type will allow all adult household members to be active voting PTA members. This membership is for those families who are wanting to make a more substantial contribution and help sponsor the work and activities of the PTA.

Individual PTA membership:  $25

An Individual PTA Membership is available to any family or staff member in the community who wishes to join the PTA. For this membership type, each adult household member should purchase this membership and complete the membership form in order to be a voting member with an active membership.

Teacher of Staff PTA membership:  $10

This membership is for any teacher or staff member at RPES who wishes to join the PTA. Staff must be members of the PTA to take advantage of the teacher reimbursement offered by the PTA.
(Note: If you would like to join but cannot pay the dues, click "join by check or cash" and select "no payment" on the form.)

Stay in touch…

Join the RPES PTA Facebook Group

Current and New Parents! Please update or add your contact information and information on your childs classroom assignment for the 2023-24 school year in our School Wide directory.

To access the Ritchie Park AtoZ Connect site, visit https://ritchieparkpta.membershiptoolkit.com/ and update your information. Take the School Directory on-the-go and download the app for easy access to directory information for your child’s classmates.

The Ritchie Park Spirit Store is Open!

Purchase spiritwear today to show your Panther Pride!

Ritchie Park Spiritwear makes a great gift and each purchase you make helps support the PTA and all the programs and opportunities it offers for our children, teachers, and school community!

A percentage of each purchase goes to support the RPES PTA

NEW for 2023-2024 $4.95 flat rate shipping!

Every Friday there are new deals and sales! Visit our online spiritwear store to browse and click on the banner at the top to view current specials.

How it works

  1. Choose your item - we have hundreds of items and color options to choose from!

  2. Pick/add your design to your item - 12 design choices, including silver and dark blue glitter options

  3. Add your name (optional)

  4. Place your order - JUST $4.95 FLAT-RATE SHIPPING! the spiritwear store will be begin creating your custom item.

RPES PTA Calendar of Events

The calendar below is the PTA events calendar and includes most RPES school events as well.

We also maintain a Google Calendar, which parents can add to your own calendar. As a courtesy, the PTA Google Calendar includes the MCPS calendar. Click the buttons below to view the Google Calendar and to add to your calendar.

Useful Links

Our School Directory

Our School Directory

PTA Facebook Page

PTA Facebook Page

Ritchie Park School Website

Ritchie Park School Website